We all love our heroes and protagonists, whether they’re in the movies in we watch, the books we read or our everyday lives. Heroes inspire us to be better people, by becoming representations of the all the good that could exist in the world if we let it. But today, i’m not all about the heroes. I’m all about the baddies (aka. awon omo science students). I’m all about Darth Vader. What makes Darth Vader so cool?
You see, no one is born a hero. In truth, heroes are brought into existence through a process. The existence of laws creates the necessity to break them, the necessity to break them triggers the rise of villainy. The rise of villainy breeds destruction and chaos, and from the ashes of the chaos rises a call for justice and social balance through our heroes (PS. Mushin boys do not need to see this article).
In essence, villains are the reason heroes exist. Yes! I’m a part of that school of thought! Coman beat me! This episode is the first in a series of articles that puts a spotlight on some of the greatest villains in cinematic history. So, read on and brace yourself!
If you ever did your research, you’d probably find out that there’s almost no G.O.A.T. villain list without Darth Vader on there, but what makes him so special? Let’s find out;
Vader, also known as Anakin Skywalker is no mere villain, but basically a legend. Unlike most villains who only realise their full potentials on the negative side of the moral schema. Vader is one of the few who can claim to have been the best of both worlds; the good and the bad.
Vader debuted in the Star Wars franchise as a young Anakin Skywalker.Although, he was still a child at the time, he already commanded a character that screamed for relevance, owing to his unbridled savvy for building air crafts. (how many of us could build jets when we were little? We couldn’t even replace bicycle tyres, lukatchew).
When, Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin senses an incredible concentration of The Force in Anakin. Qui Gon’s dying wish is for Jedi Knight; Obi Wan Kenobi to train Anakin to become a Jedi knight himself.
Eventually, Anakin becomes a Jedi knight and his mastery of The Force is unlike nothing ever seen before in the history of the Jedi (who’s your daddy Obi Wan?). At least, until he decides to smoke Oshogbo weed and turn to the Dark Side.
Anakin (being such a mumulabi at the time and husband material type of villain) finds himself believing that turning to the Dark Side is the only way to save his wife; Padme from imminent death. He eventually submits to the Dark Side of The Force and becomes Darth Vader. As Vader, his presence is felt all through the Galactic Empire up until his death.
Darth Vader is a kind of villain that would have your moral compass spinning because he draws motivation from both sides of the same coin. The detail and complexity put into the creation of his character is quite intriguing. As much as the ideal thing to say would be that Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader are one and the same, they certainly are not.
When you study Vader’s character a little closely, you realise that you’re actually looking at a person who does all these bad things but yet leaves you questioning yourself as to who the true villain is. What makes Darth Vader so cool? He is the villain who is’nt the villain.
Villain Scale:
(4.7 / 5)What makes Darth Vader so cool? Let me know in the comments section below.